A good night’s sleep is a major part of our overall health and well-being. But for many people, falling asleep and staying asleep can be really difficult. If you're one of those people and you’re just trying to get a better rest, there are things you can do to sleep better. Here are some tips to help you catch those essential z’s!
Check in on your sleep zone.
Most experts agree that the optimal sleep environment should be quiet, dark and cool. It’s also agreed that your mattress, and your pillows must be comfortable and supportive. Once you remove the opportunities for distraction either from light, discomfort, or actual noise, you should start to see the quality of your sleep improving.
Establish a regular sleep schedule
We know, we know, this is far easier said than done, but if you can get into a rhythm with your sleep schedule, your body will thank you. Don’t just set an alarm reminding you to wake up, go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, including on weekends. This will help your body get into a regular sleep rhythm, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up feeling refreshed.
Limit exposure to light before bedtime
Especially artificial blue light coming from your devices. That blue light tricks the body into thinking it’s still daytime and slows its ability to produce melatonin which is what our body uses to regulate sleep. Avoiding your devices that emit blue light about an hour before you want to go to sleep is an essential part of any night time routine. Try it for a couple nights and see the difference in your quality of sleep.
Exercise regularly
Getting some exercise in daily will help your fall asleep faster and improve the quality as your body feels more tired. As a bonus, a quality sleep helps your recover faster and can help you meet your fitness goals so it really is a win-win.
Avoid caffeine after 2pm.
We like a good afternoon coffee as much as the next person, unfortunately after it gets your through the afternoon slump, the residual effects impact your sleep more than you might notice. Even if you still manage to fall asleep at a reasonable time, the caffeine is still in your body and can lower the quality of your sleep so you wake up feeling tired and need more coffee. Reducing your afternoon intake can help you get the rest you’re looking for.
Relax before bedtime
Wind down, in every aspect. In our hyper connected world, it can be hard to slow down at the end of the day. Find what works for you, a cup of tea and a good book, a warm bath, some calming music as you talk about you day with your partner. Whatever it is, a routine that will help calm your body and mind will result in a better sleep.
A great sleep change change everything, your mood, your ability to focus, your overall health, event the time it takes to reach your goals. Try these simple steps, see which ones fit into your lifestyle, and if you’re still not sleeping well, come on in and talk to one of our sleep experts about updating your mattress.